

Welcome to We Three Wigs website, located @ 4822 Kingston Pike in Knox Plaza beside S&S Cafeteria

Mon-Friday 10:30-5:00
SAT 10:30-3:00

We do custom fitting & cutting. We sell all the major brands: Tony of Beverly, Envy, Aspen, Henry Margu, Raqhel Welch, Eva Gabor, etc. We have been in business in Knoxville for 55 years. We try to find a look that you will like. If you are taking chemo, I like to see you before you loose your hair or bring me a current picture. Womens, mens & childrens.

y job is to stock, and put you in the prettiest wigs made. I stock the nicest wigs that the industry makes.,thats my job.I will help you with any problems that you might have.Fitting is the number one problem that i see ,which i custome fit, so not when purchased here do i see this. Here, the number 1 mistake is heat your wig does not like heat but i usually can get the friss out if damaged.So i promise to keep up with all new styles so i can find the perfect wig for you.I carry all major brands and stock the nicest ones, from them all.I stock alot of monofilaments, handsewn wigs. I custome fit and cut for men women and children
